How can friends be ever deprived

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ
    ای کریمی که از خزانه غیب 
 گبر و ترسا وظیفه خور داری
   دوستان را کجا کنی محروم 
  تو که با دشمن این نظر داری  

 O Gracious Bountiful One! From Your Treasures Unseen
The Guebre (infidel) and the Christian are honoured by your bestowals
How can Your friends/adherents ever be deprived?
When you view dissenters/adversaries with such benevolence? 


Ae Kareemey ke az Khazana-e Ghayb 
Gabr o Tarsa Wazeefe Khordaari 
Doostan Ra Kuja Kunee Mehroom 
Tu Ke Ba Dushman Een Nazar Daari

Brief Explanation:

The Most Generous does not withhold His Bounties from those of different faiths, and even the unbelievers, so how on earth will the faithful be deprived? This is a poem of utmost optimism and inclusion, despite using terms such as friends and adversaries, by contrast, to drive the point home.


These lines are included in the preface of Saadi Shirazi's Gulistan, or Flower Garden/Rose Garden, one of his two major works, the other being Bustan or the Orchard . In South Asia, this landmark of Persian literature is a must read for all scholars of literature, Central Asian culture as well as religion of Islam.  These verses, on the one hand reflect optimism, and on the other are essentially inclusive, underscoring the importance of Allah's Benevolence to all, even those who are unbelievers on the face of it.


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