How can friends be ever deprived
بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ ای کریمی که از خزانه غیب گبر و ترسا وظیفه خور داری دوستان را کجا کنی محروم تو که با دشمن این نظر داری Meaning: O Gracious Bountiful One! From Your Treasures Unseen The Guebre (infidel) and the Christian are honoured by your bestowals How can Your friends/adherents ever be deprived? When you view dissenters/adversaries with such benevolence? Language: Persian/Farsi Transliteration: Ae Kareemey ke az Khazana-e Ghayb Gabr o Tarsa Wazeefe Khordaari Doostan Ra Kuja Kunee Mehroom Tu Ke Ba Dushman Een Nazar Daari Video/Audio: Brief Explanation: The Most Generous does not withhold His Bounties from those of different faiths, and even the unbelievers, so how on earth will the faithful be deprived? This is a poem of utmost optimism and inclusion, despite using terms such as friends and adversaries, by contrast, to drive the point home....