Why Makhfi (Hidden)?

بِسْمِ اللّهِ الرَّحْمـَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

در سخن مخفی شدم مانند بو در برگ گل
هر که خواهد دیدنم گو در سخن بیند مرا

در سخن مخفی شدم مانند بو در برگ گل

هر که دارد میل دیدن، در سخن بیند مرا


Within my poetry, hidden I dwell,  like fragrance within rose petals
All who wish to catch a glimpse of me, can do so (only) within my poetry


Within my poetry, hidden I dwell, like fragrance within rose petals
 Anyone desiring to see me, may do so (only) within my poetry


Persian/Farsi of South Asia


Dar Sukhan Makhfi Shudam, Manand e bu Dar Barg e Gul
Har ke Khwahad deedanam goo, Dar Sukhan Beenad Mera

Dar Sukhan Makhfi Shudam, Manand e bu Dar Barg e Gul ,
Har Ke Darad Mayl Deedan, Dar Sukhan Beenad Mera


Brief Explanation:

An artist, poet, writer or any other form of expert in arts and literature should be primarily known by their work. Since I am not either of them, I chose to remain hidden while sharing wisdom that I come in contact with, across ages and cultures.

This couplet attributed to Zeb un Nissa, the daughter of Aurangzeb inspired me to choose the name مخفي which means "hidden" in Arabic, Persian and Urdu.

The story goes that her poetry was well-regarded and her fame reached far and wide, but people did not know the true identity of the poet with the nom de plume مخفي.

One day a neighbouring king requested Aurangzeb to have the poet (مخفي) sent out to his kingdom so that he may have an audience with him and get to know the poet better. This put him in a quandary as on the one hand a generous king cannot refuse this request, but he could not also send his daughter as it would violate the cultural and religious norms, and also he did not want to be the one who reveals her identity which she had chosen to keep secret.

Failing to find a solution, he asked for her help. She told him to send these verses in response to the neighbouring king's request thus solved the problem in a beautiful manner deserving that of a wise and literate poet that she was.


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